Senin, 21 Desember 2009

The Ideal Mentor Always...

1. Tells you the truth – even when it hurts.
One man who has been one of my mentors for almost 18 years especially stands out because of his honesty with me. Early in my ministry and marriage, he pulled me aside and explained to me that I was not very respectful to my wife in public. He explained that the ladies of the church would not honor me as a minister for this reason. At the time I was offended that he would tell me this as I thought I was very good to my wife. However, years later, I see where he was coming from. I’m grateful that he was bold enough and honest enough to talk to me about a sensitive subject. Honoring my wife and publicly showing her affection has not only given me respect among the other ladies of the church, but has also been a blessing to our marriage.
2. Shows a good example for you to follow.
The old cliché “Do as I say, not as I do.” Does not work in mentoring. A lifelong mentor should be someone who is a model of who you want to become. Everyone is a little bit like the people who have parented them. Part of a mentor’s role is to let the protégé watch them closely in the work that they do. One of my mentors would often times invite me to sit in on important meetings that I had no experience in. I would never say a word unless asked my input. I understood that I was there to observe and to learn. I watched my mentor closely to see how he handled fragile situations that I had no experience in. I would often ask myself how I would handle these often sensitive meetings, but would then watch my mentor expertly handle delicate subjects with Godly wisdom.
3. Sees you as family.
Mentoring someone is a life long commitment. Your best mentors are not people who are only a part of your life for a short amount of time. A mentor sees you as a son or daughter in the Gospel. Paul who mentored Timothy referred to him as his son. Anything less than a family level commitment may prove to be a surface only relationship between mentor and protégé. Often times, subjects discussed in a mentoring relationship are sensitive and personal. A protégé needs to know that he is going to someone who is a father figure who only has the protégé’s best interest in mind.
4. Shows himself/herself to be open and transparent with you.
A good mentor is someone who is not afraid to talk to those they mentor about their failures as well as their successes. My father would often say to me, “Don’t make the same mistakes that I have made.” This is a good reason for mentors to be open with their protégés. You may save that person a tremendous amount of pain and numerous mistakes by revealing to them the mistakes you yourself have made along the way.
5. Teaches
Personally I find it hard to explain to people how I do the things that I do well. Some things come naturally to me, but I find it hard to explain or articulate to others how or why I do what I do. As a mentor, it’s important for me to slow down and explain the process to those I mentor. It’s often times harder to explain the process than do it, but the protégé needs to be able to learn from the mentor’s giftedness.
6. Sees and believes in your potential.
You cannot effectively mentor another unless you see something in them that they may not see in themselves. You have to be someone who is capable of causing them to become someone better than who they currently are. If you look at that person and only see their shortcomings, then you may not be the best person to mentor them. When you mentor someone, you are investing a portion of your life into them. You will not want to invest that level of commitment in someone you do not see tremendous potential in. When I look at a person, I try hard to not see them as they are, but to see them as they can become. Honestly, I am often very critical of people at first. This is a problem I have identified in my own personality. However, through prayer and looking through the eyes of Jesus at people, I can see tremendous potential that I never would have seen with the natural eye.
7. Is someone who can help you bring your vision into a reality.
Thru the years, I have had many dreams and visions of God’s will for my life and ministry. My mentors have helped me understand my various burdens and help me keep in check which visions were possible and which ones were not. One mentor recently chuckled and told me there is no possible way to do all that I currently want to do for the Lord. He helped me understand that I need to pace myself and that God will give me the helps along the way to accomplish all I have a vision for. However, for the mean time, do only what I can humanly do.
8. Is open to learn from you.
Someone once told a joke that God was referring to Solomon when He said, “Ya, I made him so smart, he started to teach Me.” It is entirely possible that a protégé may eventually have something to bring to the table. As a person matures and develops, they may even surpass the wisdom and knowledge of their mentor in a given area. This is to be expected and hoped for. This is the purpose of mentoring, so that the next generation of leaders will have learned from the experiences of those they glean from. A mentor offers his protégé a tremendous gift when he allows that person to teach them something. This shows the protégé that he has graduated in a certain area. It also shows him that he is honored among those he honors.
By Rev. James Smith

De Basic

Lesson 1 - The Word Of Life - This lesson strikes at the very heart of one's consecration and commitment to Jesus Christ. It becomes the acid test of whether one is demonstrating the character of Christ and the fruit of the Spirit. It cannot help but alter one's behavior and attitude toward God, sin, and the world.
Lesson 2 - The Focus Of Fellowship - There are significant thoughts that John will raise throughout this lesson. There are certain tests that seek to prove us. John not only develops this idea of a test proving us but he also determines that those who fail the test are not in the Church. Lesson 3 - The Focus Of Truth - Once one becomes confident in the power of the Word and the work of the Spirit, this confidence produces a passion that translates into a dogma. This confidence gives boldness of speech that will assist us in reaching our world for the cause of Christ. Lesson 4 - The Right Attitude Toward Sin - A tendency in one's heart to dismiss sin or to look lightly upon it clearly demonstrates a very low view of God and His high call to holiness. A willingness to openly confess and declare that the heart is deceitfully wicked allows the process of repentance to begin.
Lesson 5 - Confession And Repentance Of Sin - Not only is repentance a necessity for salvation, it is also to be an ongoing aspect in the life of a saint. It must become a habitual and conscious act that bolsters our walk with God.
Lesson 6 - The Devine Defense Attorney - One of the most powerful discoveries and weapons a saint of God has is the understanding that his sin has been totally forgiven. The great value of the Gospel is that forgiveness of sin can come to our lives through the work of Calvary.
Lesson 7 - The Destruction Of Doubt By Obedience - A person can know beyond the shadow of a doubt the absolute certainty of salvation. "And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments."
Lesson 8 - An Old But New Commandment - The saint of God may know and understand the certainty of eternal life. There is an obvious reward that comes from knowing that eternal life belongs to him which is so that his "joy may be full".
Lesson 9 - The Discipline Of Spiritual Growth - One of the most important tasks in the life of a saint of God is to have true spiritual growth. In this lesson John is laying out a natural progression which occurs in the life of all who have been filled with the Spirit.
Lesson 10 - The Love That God Hates - With an understanding that there is a perfect love of God, then one must explore the other end of the spectrum and see that there are some things that God also hates.
Lesson 11 - Why A Saint Cannot Love The World - Gently and slowly it seeks its way into the heart, and hardens it day by day. This is backsliding. Sin permitted, the heart gradually hardened, unbelief taking his place, and then, departure from the living God.
Lesson 12 - The Cardiology Of Worldliness - This matrix of evil is how the devil and his demons have entire control over all sinners who are part of the kingdom of the world.
Lesson 13 - The Saint And The Spirit Of Antichrist - John is writing and stating that this spirit of antichrist is one that is against Jesus Christ and His church.
Lesson 14 - The Marks Of The Saint And The Marks of the Defector - Some came in but time proved that the Spirit was only allowed to have a limited impact in their life. While a conversion took place, perseverance never entered and the journey was forsaken.
Lesson 15 - The Power Of Hope - Every child of God can have complete confidence in their relationship with God. Confidence comes from the hope that is in him which leads to a walk in godliness and holiness.
Lesson 16 - How Hope Purifies - Purification gives rise to thoughts of holiness and sanctification. John tells us that doctrine matters because it influences our thinking which affects the way we live our lives.
Lesson 17 - What The Devil Does Not Want You To Know About Hope. - When one delves into this thought of hope, there are some characteristics about hope that the devil does not want a saint to be aware of.